US Census Demographic data is based on the "long form," which is sent to about 1 out of 6 households, and ascribed to all households in a given area (block, block group, tract, etc.) One of those non-secrets that makes census data less reliable for some purposes, but no less marketable. I'm sure that the 2000 data will still be "free" in raw form.

Joshua Ostroff
Virtual Media Resources

At 12:06 PM 3/16/00 -0500, Dan Munson wrote:
I just filled out my 2000 census. Interestingly, it asked only about how many people, what race they were, and whether I owned my house.

There were no demographic questions. Is this true? Does this mean no free year 2000 demographics?


Dan Munson
VP Sales & Marketing
CDS Business Mapping
Mapping for the Next Millennium(TM)


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