unfortunately, mapinfo corp does not understand bivariate mapping concepts.
the point of a bivariate map is to have the answer clearly shown, not to
have a cluttered map that one can strugle with to determine the answer.
(i.e. if crime is high and income is low then the polygon is red. if crime
is low and income is low then the polygon is green, etc.)

the tactician mapping program has a decent bivariate mapping option. you
specify the two variables and what the break points are for each of them and
it builds the map. that doesn't help you, i know.

what i have done when i needed bivariate maps in mapinfo is to make queries
for each of the combinations and then change the colors of the areas by
hand. if you don't have too many combinations to map it's not too bad.

bob rogers
anderson, south carolina

> Has anyone done bivariate thematic mapping in MapInfo using two
> different variables succesfully?

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