Dear Listers,

I am trying to "get my head around" this problem.  I have two tables of
down-hole data.

The first " Assay Results" is of the form (has these fields)


being respectively, the hole number, the from depth, the to depth, the
laboratory sample number and zinc concentration in ppm.

The second table "dhsusc" is of the form (has these fields)

HoleID, At, Magsus

being respectively the hole number, the depth at which the reading was
taken, and the magnetic susceptibility.

Typically Magsus has been measured at 10 cm intervals whereas the assays
are over intervals of about 1 to 2 metres.

I wish to determine averages, maxima and minima for Magsus within the Assay

Any pointers would be gratefully received.

TIA Brendan O'Donovan Senior Geologist Tara Mines Ireland.

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