
Just wondering if anyone's seen this before. I need to label some index
contours, and have tried a few different methods including using MI's Label
tool, and also the Labeller.mbx, but I get the following problem with both
methods. Even though in the map window a label (5 pt, Arial, bold, with box)
may appear exactly centred on a contour line (at any zoom level), when I
look at the label in the layout window and on the hardcopy (36"x44" map at
1:24,000) some, but not all, are offset by several mm's from the index
contour. Unfortunately this drops it on top of the adjacent intermediate

I can get this effect on both 5.0 and on the 6.0 beta.

Any ideas what might be causing this?

Tim Warman
Geologist & GIS Specialist
Richard C. Slade & Associates
North Hollywood, CA
(818) 506-0418

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