Dear List

I am interested in splitting polygons using a line. I have a large number of
complex polygons which represent land parcels. (These are created by
converting Ordnance Survey data). Creating a "cookie cutter" polygon and
using Set Target, Object split is an unfeasible amount of work. 


Hi Georges,

I suggest you to try MapLogix, a topological map editing utility for
MapInfo. MapLogix lets you use lines or polylines for splitting

You can download the demo version of MapLogix at


1. Draw your line.
2. Select it then run Objects -> Convert to Regions.
    MapInfo will add an extra segment to close the region off.
3. Use the Node Add tool to add nodes to this extra segment until it
    surrounds one of the halves you want.
4. Now use this region object as the splitter object in Objects -> Split.

Notice you can save a few steps by drawing a region
object in the first place.


Another quick option is the split feature of Professional.

1.      Make your polygon layer editable, then select the polygon you want
2.      Set the polygon as a target (object>Set Target).
3.      Then draw a region (rectangle or custom polygon) around the area
you'd like to have in one of the sections (like lining up a cookie cutter) 
leaving the other half out of the region (s).
4.      Select that new temporary polygon (that you just drew).
5.      Split the object by selecting Objects>Split, which completes the
6.      Select the temp. polygon you created and delete it since you won't
it any more.

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