MapInfo Beta, version 6.0, build 9, has an upgraded Universal Translator
that can translate SDTS DLG's into Tab format or MIF\MID, in addition to
translating NIMA VPF formats, AutoCAD 2000 DWG\DXF, MicroStation DGN, and
ESRI .shp formats.

Check it out


 From:     Staub Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on          
           04/20/2000 12:52 PM MST                                
 To:       "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>              
 Subject:  MI SDTS translator for mif/mid                         

In January of this year, there was discussion on this list of a new
translator for SDTS to mid/mif to be written.  Does anyone know the status
of this effort.

I'm particularly interested in translating SDTS hypsographic DLGs
to MapInfo WITH the elevation attribute coming along in the translation.
I've tried the existing (free) translators and the elevation attribute does
not come through.

Thanks in advance!
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