
I have to agree with most of your comments, but not the AV comparison.

First, you can't even save a color/style with an actual map object in AV -
it has to be thematically driven.
Second, in AV, 2click on layer legend to get Legend Editor, then 2click on
specific legend item to get color palette, then click on fill palette to set
fill pattern, then click apply, then click on paintbrush to get color
styles, the select foreground from drop down menu, then select color, then
hit apply, then select background from menu, then color, then apply, then
outline from menu, then color, then apply, then 'X' to close color palette,
then 'X' to close legend editor.  Thats a lot of clicking.

The grass is always greener...

P.S. I still do agree it can be done better, and CorelDraw 9 has it down.

Will Mitchell
GIS Manager
The Environmental Company, Inc.
2496 Old Ivy Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22905
ph 804.295.4446
fx 804.295.4435

> -----Original Message-----
> Coming from AV, I lamented the difficulty of doing the
> simplest things like change a color.  I thought I would eventually go
> blind
> scrolling through all of the layers in the layer control and then going
> through the dialogue boxes.  What in AV takes 2-3 clicks takes 5-7 in MI.
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