>Hi Ole

Basically the problem is not too disimilar if you run a copy of any 
version pre 4.5 with 4.5 or later, one of the problems is caused by 
the increase in node limit in polygons, as well as the line style 
improvements with 4.5, I have however frequently been able to use a 
text editor on the tab file and change the version number to 4 and 
then files open effortlessly in MI 4 for pc or for PowerMac a copy of 
which I still manage to get a lot of life from, although improvements 
wit hraster file formats such as sid or ecw may well finish it off 
long before it should really come to its economic end. My G3 350 is 
so much more stable than my Dell PIII xeon 600 NT thing, I use 
photoshop and a scanner on both , the pc is forever loosing the scsi 
card, scanner or a million and other one things, if I want to get the 
job done I use the mac , if I want to appear to be co-operative I use 
the PC, and mac 9.0.4 works well with MI for the Power Mac, all 
Iwant now is mapbasic to try to build in a bit more functionality



>I have been able to open two layers on the Mac pltform by using MI 4.0.3 for
>the Mac.
>I have not been able to open the last layers (tab file) neither as an import.
>The Mac message is that the file can be opened but can not be 
>edited. It can be
>edited in MI 4.5. Is this an attempt by MI to slowly kill the Mac version?
>Everything else MI runs fine on the Mac version on Mac OS 9.0.4 and 9.0
>Any idea to work around this problem...
>Ole Frank
>A message from a Macintosh....
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