Thanks to all who responded.  Responses are listed below from Spencer
Simpson, Brad and Flavio Hendry.

All will do the job I think.  Some are more intricate than others, and it
depends how much control you need to have over the appearance of the final
output.  Thanks all for your help.  I chose the True Type font route this
time (It was quick and easy fro what I had to do), but I think all the
others have merit for other situations and I'll keep them in mind.

Thanks again.


>From Spencer Simpson:

You can try two different things. The second is more drastic than the first.

1.  Instead of using the "MapInfo 3.0 Compatible Symbols" base for your
try using the TrueType-based "MapInfo Symbols".

2.  If that doesn't make your maps look the way you want, try using circle
instead of

You can do this by:

a. make a copy of your table (file -> save copy as)
b. open the copy you just made.
c. bring up the MapBasic Window(Options -> Show MapBasic Window)
d. Pick a radius.  This is the size the circle would be if your map were as
big as the Earth.
e. Type the fololowing in the MapBasic window.

set distance units "ft" ' or "mi", or "meters", or "km", whatever
update my_table_copy set obj = CreateCircle (CentroidX(obj), CentroidY
(obj), my_radius)

Of course, type in the name of the actual table instead of "my_table_copy"
and the actual
radius instead of "my_radius".

f. Try printing maps using the circles at various scales. If you don't like
that radius,
pick a different radius and repeat step e.

>From Brad:

The symbols stay the same size regardless of the scale don't they?  I have
been using mapinfo for a long time and I don't think that you can tie the
symbol size to the viewing scale in the mapper the way the font
automatically changes.  Do you currently save thematic templates?  I think
that once you create the different thematics for different scales you might
save the templates and just reapply the theme.  Also, doesn't the thematic
map automatically update if you change the data?

You might also find a workaround by creating a text layer and use TTfonts
to represent things.  See the misc fonts for some interesting choices.


>From Flavio Hendry:

Unfourtunalty MapInfo does not support scaled symbols (when will they 
finally do it ???) and you are right that it is a pain. The only way to do 
it with symbols is as you say (extra work .... such as have the layer loaded 
for each zoom level as "zoomed layer" with its own scale properties). A way 
around is to use text-type objects instead of symbols ... as those are 
scaled ... however it is not straight forward ...

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