Hi Doug,

Your question:

                So here the question, can I create maps using MapInfo in a
format that can
                be loaded onto a PDA? I don't need the wireless connection
that MapXtend
                seems to have. All I would like to do is take a map that I
have now, load it
                on my Palm III, hook up a GPS and go into the field and have
the GPS locate
                me on the map. The ability to display/update data would be
an option.

Have a look at HandMap  www.handmap.net <http://www.handmap.net>  it comes
as close as I've seen to Palm data acquisition using a vector map as a
background. The data/GPS interface is still Beta at the moment. Still it
costs a little less than the full blown apps for Wince PDAs (Or is that Win

Have a look at www.cybertracker.co.za <http://www.cybertracker.co.za>  for a
superb example of a GPS/Palm application designed for illterate trackers!
Goes to show just what happens when the end users define the system, and
assumptions of technical superiority do not subvert system design.  Won a
Rolex award too. Currently does not have a map as a background. I've been
been using CyberTracker to aquire cave location metadata over the last
couple of months. Really is a fantastic system. (I am a speleogist outside
work)  Runs a PC front end for Palm application design, and data
import/export and querying. 

Dale Appleton

Operations Ranger, Dandenong Valley Parks
Parks Victoria
P O Box 438, Mulgrave North, VIC 3170
Telephone 61 3 9562 2960 
Facsimile    61 3 9545 0297 
Mobile        0408 382 635

                -----Original Message-----
                From:   Wilson, Doug A [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                Sent:   Wednesday, 28 June 2000 11:14
                To:     'MapInfo-L Internet Group'
                Subject:        MI MapInfo and PDA's

                Recently while checking the MapInfo website for the latest
info on MapXsite
                and MapXtreme I ran into MapXtend which apparently would
allow users to
                receive maps via wireless PDA's This kind of opens up the
whole Idea of
                using PDA's to access maps. As a Palm user for a couple of
years and a Solus
                user (Delorme) for the past few months, I've found the PDA
user interface
                somewhat lacking when it come to using spatial technology.
But since the
                state of the art in this area is changing by the
nano-second, I fully expect
                to be asked about putting maps on PDA's soon.
                So here the question, can I create maps using MapInfo in a
format that can
                be loaded onto a PDA? I don't need the wireless connection
that MapXtend
                seems to have. All I would like to do is take a map that I
have now, load it
                on my Palm III, hook up a GPS and go into the field and have
the GPS locate
                me on the map. The ability to display/update data would be
an option.


                Doug Wilson
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