Netscape 4.7 does the job fine. Download it free, get it from the front of a
magazine or send them money ($3?) for the CD.
It has a lot less security flaws and far less bought-in 3rd party software
than MicroSloth's IE.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Flavio Hendry
Sent: 27 July 2000 08:30
To: Opitz, David; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: Re: MI Mapxsite

Hi David

Why not change to a newer version of Netscape (why go and install plug-ins
if a newer version does it ???) Probably you use the Java Applet and you
have an ancient version that does not support Java. And probably the old
version will not support any plug-ins anyway ... Hint to your client or
whoever it is: change to a newer version and if you do not want to do that
just change to plain old DOS command line and forget graphics and play with
edlin ....

When creating MapXsite stuff, we do explicitely not support any version
older then 4.05, it is already pain enough to support two browsers,
especially if you want to do sophisticated applications using css and
javascript ... (which have nicely to be programmed twice, once for IE and
once for NS ... this is called "standards" and "compatibility") ...

And where is Netscape anyway ? I'm not a fan of MicroSoft, but if you look
at the Beta of NetScape 6, you need these bags they distribute on planes ...



*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 26.07.2000 at 15:57 Opitz, David wrote:

>An early version of netscape can not view my mapxsite  site.Which plug-in
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