Greetings Listers.

I see from the archives that this question has been asked before, but I
have not found any answers amongst the postings.

We have a client who wishes to upload spatial data (MapInfo tables) to a
particular Oracle 8i schema and then make those tables available to
other users (each of whom has his/her own Oracle login account =>
schema).  This, I might add, is pretty much exactly the way that most
corporate Oracle databases are managed.  It allows the standard Oracle
methods of roles and privileges to implement the security model(s) which
are the bread and butter of Oracle DBAs the world over.

It seems, however, that one or other of the MapInfo / EasyLoader /
Oracle 8i trio is preventing this most fundamental of Oracle concepts
from working in practice.  Despite ploughing through the documentation
and discussion groups, and rolling up the sleeves to modify local copies
of the SDO_INDEX_METADATA view for a given user, I have yet to find a
formula for allowing one Oracle to modify the SPATIAL attributes of
another user's (schema's) spatial tables.  I have been able to get a
user to modify the DATA attributes of another user's spatial tables, so
I believe the problem lies with updates to the spatial indexes.

Has anyone else encountered this problem?  If so, has anyone solved it?
If so, ... HOW?!

The environment comprises Oracle 8.1.5;  MapInfo 5.5 (and more recently
MI 6.0);  EasyLoader 6.0 (and prior to that, EasyLoader 4.3).  Each of
these combinations works perfectly well when it comes to uploading data
for a user and then having the SAME user edit the data, but as yet none
of them will allow other users to do the same editing.

PLEASE don't tell me that we need to go to Oracle 8.1.6.  Whilst this
situation may well be addressed in 8.1.6 it must SURELY warrant a patch
in 8.1.5.  At this stage I suspect that the client would baulk at the
prospect of implementing ANOTHER brand new database version on the
chance that it will solve all of the existing problems without
introducing new ones of its own.

If the truth be known, my suspiscion lies more with MapInfo (and perhaps
EasyLoader) than it does with Oracle.  Can anyone refute this opinion?
Can anyone support it?

All contributions VERY gratefully received.  I will summarise (and
gladly provide comprehensive details of any working solution) to the

David Jerrard
Exa-Min Technologies

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