OK, so I went and compleded the survey which
promises prizes and stuff.

The survey asks questions about what you do in GIS
what magazines you read, ect - if you tell 
the truth you can answer all questions in only one way.

Afte clicking submit I got a message that I will not enter
ths prize draw, because I gave the wrong answers, and
if I like I can try again?!

What king of survey is this???????????
Of course I could say I own a company of 1000 GIS consultants and 
I've been working in this area since eniac and I read everything there is
to read about GIS....

The results of this survey will be phoney,
so don't bother entering.

  Jure Ravnik, who wasted the last half hour,

Ecological Engineering Institute
Ljubljanska 9
2000 Maribor
Tel:+ 386 2 300 48 11
Fax:+ 386 2 300 48 35

-----Izvorno sporočilo-----
Od:     Swati Grover [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Poslano:        1. avgust 2000 7:17
Zadeva: MI Online Survey with prizes worth over US$ 100,000 

Dear Friends,

www.GISdevelopment.net welcomes you to participate in the biggest ever
Online Survey in GIS and win prizes worth over 100,000 US Dollars in the
form of software, subscription for magazines and registration to conference
and exhibitions.

Details of Survey is available at

In addition to lucky draw contest, first one thousand qualified participant
will be entitled to one year free subscription of GIS@development magazine -
the first monthly publication on Geographic Information Science from Asian

Please forward this message to all your friends and colleagues.

Thanking you in advance for your response.

With kind regards
Ms. Swati Grover
Networks for GIS

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