Dear Friends,

Sorry, if we have caused inconvenience to the list members by putting the
survey info on the list.

Just a few clarifications on some points raised about this survey / site

>>In addition, it's NOT the first GIS magazine for Asia. GEO World
Asia/Pacific has been covering this region for years (see if you're interested.)

Please note that we are 'Asia's first MONTHLY publication on Geographic
Information Sciences'. And 'not the first GIS magazine for Asia. GEO World',
as you have kindly mentioned.

If you are aware about any other monthly publication on the subject from
Asia, we will be happy to correct ourselves.

>>I still think the best way to draw business online is to FIRST
establish yourself as a contributing member of the community, not
to introduce yourself by treating the community as a resource to
be exploited.

I think we have contributed to the community by being publishing the
magazine since the last three years. We have been online with our magazine
(with complete articles) since last two years. We have been trying to create
a platform for the GIS community in Asia (although, in less electronic way
and more through traditional methods like publishing, workshops, conferences
etc.) for the last three years.

Some of our activities being:

GIS Forum South Asia:  South Asian Conference for promoting the concept of
Regional Geographic Information Infrastructure in the South Asian Region.

GIS Country Pages for Asian Countries: We have tried to build up country
pages for nearly all the Asian countries. Through our country pages, we are
trying to help build intra and inter country networks for better usage of
GIS in development of the technology in the Asian region.

Map India:  India's Largest Conference and Exhibition on Mapping Sciences

Our Policy Initiative: We are perhaps the only publication in Asia to have
aggressively pursued the cause of policy changes for promotion of use of GIS
in Development of Asian countries. Our campaigns are widely recognised by
South Asian community.

>>The only time we hear from these folks is through
bulk mailings to all the GIS lists they could find...all at once
(another unwise thing to do.)

Yes, we do agree that we are less e-savvy.

>>Considering that Asia will be where the action is online in the
21st century, there's an incredible opportunity to build a
community foundation here. Spamming isn't the way to do it.

Yes, Asia will be THE place for action online in the 21st century. Support
from other regions of the world will let it happen fast.

> What king of survey is this???????????
> Of course I could say I own a company of 1000 GIS consultants and
> I've been working in this area since eniac and I read everything there is
> to read about GIS....
> The results of this survey will be phoney,
> so don't bother entering.
>   Jure Ravnik, who wasted the last half hour,

The survey is just aiming at finding out who are the readers (or viewers) of and what do they expect from a site like this. This may
give us a chance to customise the content according to the user needs.

The survey faced some problems at initial stages in accepting the forms
filled from Netscape browser. That problem has now been rectified and it is
receiving tremendous response from all over the world.

Check out the site first. Then criticise!

----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Thoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2000 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: MI Online Survey with prizes worth over US$ 100,000

If you don't want to waste your time, don't respond to spam. Just
because it mentioned "GIS" doesn't mean it wasn't just a
bald-faced advertisement.

In addition, it's NOT the first GIS magazine for Asia. GEO World
Asia/Pacific has been covering this region for years (see if you're interested.)

I still think the best way to draw business online is to FIRST
establish yourself as a contributing member of the community, not
to introduce yourself by treating the community as a resource to
be exploited. The only time we hear from these folks is through
bulk mailings to all the GIS lists they could find...all at once
(another unwise thing to do.)

Considering that Asia will be where the action is online in the
21st century, there's an incredible opportunity to build a
community foundation here. Spamming isn't the way to do it.

- Bill Thoen
GISnet, 1401 Walnut St., Suite C, Boulder, CO  80302
tel: 303-786-9961, fax: 303-443-4856

Jure Ravnik wrote:
> OK, so I went and compleded the survey which
> promises prizes and stuff.
> The survey asks questions about what you do in GIS
> what magazines you read, ect - if you tell
> the truth you can answer all questions in only one way.
> Afte clicking submit I got a message that I will not enter
> ths prize draw, because I gave the wrong answers, and
> if I like I can try again?!
> What king of survey is this???????????
> Of course I could say I own a company of 1000 GIS consultants and
> I've been working in this area since eniac and I read everything there is
> to read about GIS....
> The results of this survey will be phoney,
> so don't bother entering.
>   Jure Ravnik, who wasted the last half hour,
> Ecological Engineering Institute
> Ljubljanska 9
> 2000 Maribor
> Slovenia
> Tel:+ 386 2 300 48 11
> Fax:+ 386 2 300 48 35
> -----Izvorno sporočilo-----
> Od:     Swati Grover [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Poslano:        1. avgust 2000 7:17
> Zadeva: MI Online Survey with prizes worth over US$ 100,000
> Dear Friends,
> welcomes you to participate in the biggest ever
> Online Survey in GIS and win prizes worth over 100,000 US Dollars in the
> form of software, subscription for magazines and registration to
> and exhibitions.
> Details of Survey is available at
> In addition to lucky draw contest, first one thousand qualified
> will be entitled to one year free subscription of GIS@development
magazine -
> the first monthly publication on Geographic Information Science from Asian
> region.
> Please forward this message to all your friends and colleagues.
> Thanking you in advance for your response.
> With kind regards
> Ms. Swati Grover
> Networks for GIS
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