Dear Dave,

We have also experienced several problems with Mapinfo
labeling system. Most of the problems we got are
really easy to solve with a few lines of code and

But, in my opinion, it is a shame for Mapinfo not to
include some more advanced labeling capabilities.

The only explanation we found is a Mapinfo executive
getting richer and richer selling add-ons (Maptext).

Is there anyone from Mapinfo who has something to
say?. Can anyone explain why exporting labels to a
text layer does it only in the screen's region? Has it
any sense?

Evelyn RM

> Dear all,
> I'm aware that this has been asked before but can't
find an answer...Can
> anyone help or offer an *.mbx to help me label a
map. I have geocoded
> numerous sites and have labelled them with info from
the browser but many of
> them fall close together and consequently there are
lots of overlapping
> labels...Is it possible to automatically distribute
these labels so that all
> are readable?
> Thanks folks, I'll sum this chestnut...
> Dave

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