
Here is the way around how to convert any object into a point without
saving the coordinates in columns.

1. Open your MapBasic window (You can't live without this wonderfull thing)
     Options > Show MapBasic Window
2. Type this line followed by a Enter/Return
     Set CoordSys Table MyTable
Note that MyTable is the name of your table, replace with the right name.
If you a a hourglass now, just move the mouse and it will go away.
3. Type this line followed by a Enter/Return
     Select * From MyTable Where OBJ Into NEW_OBJ NoSelect
Note that MyTable is the name of your table, replace with the right name.
4. Type this line followed by a Enter/Return
     Update NEW_OBJ Set OBJ = CreatePoint(CentroidX(OBJ), CentroidY(OBJ))

Et voila, as the french would say. All your objects have changed to points.
Do remember to save the changes !
Do remember as well that your original objects have disappeared, so if you
don't want to loose these make a copy of your original table at first.

Hope this helps!


Peter Horsbøll Møller, GIS-Developer
Kampsax A/S, GIS Software & Solutions, Rugaardsvej 55, DK-5000 Odense,
tlf: + 45 63 13 50 13, dir: + 45 63 13 50 08, fax: + 45 63 13 50 90
mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.mapinfo.dk, http://www.kampsax.dk

Hi Jacqui,

I don't know of a way to directly select the centroids and save them as
objects, but you could try this solution :
1. Save a copy of your table (File / Save Copy As).
2. Add two new fields to your table : longitude and latitude (type :
3. Update these columns with the coordinates of your regions centroids
the Centroid X and Centroid Y function (Table / Update Column).
4. Make the layer editable and select all objects from your table.
5. Use the Edit / Clear Map Objects Only function, to delete the regions
while preserving all data.
6. Use Table / Create Points with fields Longitude and Latitude to create
new point objects corresponding to your former regions centroids.

Hope this helps!

Chichester Harbour Conservancy wrote:

> Dear List
> Does anyone know if it is possible (and how) to save the centroids of =
> regions as points to make a points table for each region (preferably =
> saving the attributes as well - but not necessarily).  I have tried =
> selecting the centroids(X) and saving those but regions came up in the =
> new table, not centroids. =20
> Best wishes
> Jacqui Foskett

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