>Myself, I am keeping my eye on the ball and the near-term potential for
>MapInfo to be a, possibly the, significant GIS player in the pending 2.5 and
>3.0G wireless revolution.  Given there are at best 1.5 to 1.8 million GISers
>out there growing at 25 percent per year (Hey MapPoint is going to get their
>share too!) I have to wonder out a loud about the 100 MILLION Java enabled
>smart locators that will appear in the next six or so quarters.  


I just do not believe in this wireless stuff ...

1. all those telecoms (except a few smart ones) sunk gazillions in licenses for hot 
air, as one BT guy said (I think it was BT), "we'll deposit our head at the wardrobe 
and go in and bid for a license" ... many of them will suffer for many years ...
2. as far as I know mapquest, mapblast and many of the others, which can be compared 
to companies potentially running wireless services, do not use any MapInfo or ESRI or 
whatever "common" GIS software ...
3. and how are mapquest, mapblast and all the others (tons are coming up all over the 
world) doing ? as far as I know they are all just burning money ...
4. where is the revenue for such services ? ... it will be all free, such as mapquest, 
mapblast and all the others are - no one making a penny on it (sure, NavTech and 
TeleAtlas and other data providers do some ...) - oh, talking about them, the "3G 
wireless apps"  basically already exist as car navigation systems, any of them using 
MapInfo or ESRI or known GIS technology ???
5. WAP was up to date a major failure ...
6. I do not believe in client side Java either, there is other stuff coming along that 
is far underestimated. Look i.e. at the impressive fast and beautiful maps on 
http://www.stadtplan.net/brd/nrw/aachen/home.html and guess what they use ...

As a reseller, we still see the highest demand for Desktop Applications and increasing 
request for sophisticated web applications (almost always along with desktop apps 
...). As it was mentioned, there are not many improvements in MI 6.5 (as there were 
not many major ones in 6.0, 5.5, 5.0 and 4.5 ...). Just got the ArcView 8.1 box - and 
this is compared to AV 3.1 a major milestone (say what you want, but ESRI was finally 
brave enough to toilet Avenue and go for the future ... want to stay with MapBasic for 
how long, next ten years ???).

best regards

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############      Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards
############       Flavio Hendry- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
############         TYDAC AG - http://www.tydac.ch
####    ####        Geographic Information Solutions
####    ####         Luternauweg 12 -- CH-3006 Bern
############   Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180 - Fax +41 (0)31 368 1860
   MAPINFO Strategic Partner - PCI Reseller - FME Distributor
                  ESRI ArcGIS Solution Provider

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