
May guess is that you have forgotten to set your coordsys before creating
your heagons

Try to add this line to your code before your enter the loop: (Set CoordSys
Table "DU"

     create table hexagons (dummy integer)
     create map for hexagons Coordsys table "DU"

     Set CoordSys Table "DU"

     Radius = cellR*1000

Peter Horsbøll Møller, GIS-Developer
Kampsax A/S, GIS Software & Solutions, Rugaardsvej 55, DK-5000 Odense, Denmark
tlf: + 45 63 13 50 13, dir: + 45 63 13 50 08, fax: + 45 63 13 50 90
mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.mapinfo.dk, http://www.kampsax.dk
David RF Wohlgemuth wrote:

Hi listers,

I've got a programme where I've got a list of x,y co-ordinates as the input
and I'm trying to create 3 hexagons around each co-ordinate. For some
these new regions that I am creating do not appear when I add their layer
the map. I'm not sure if the objects are being created properly or not.
probably something really obvious. Here is a snippet of my code.

Sub ..... etc
Dim .....
open table "hexagons"
drop table hexagons
create table hexagons (dummy integer)
create map for hexagons Coordsys table "DU"

Radius = cellR*1000
hex_outline = makepen(1,2,Blue)

du_new_sel1_numrows = tableinfo(du_new_sel1, Tab_info_nrows)
for a = 1 to du_new_sel1_numrows

fetch rec a from du_new_sel1

     X = du_new_sel1.latitude
     Y = du_new_sel1.longitude
     X1 = X
     Y1 = Y
     X2 = ... etc


     Create Region
          Into variable three_hex
          6(x1, y1)(x2, y2)(x3, y3)(x4, y4)(x5, y5)(x6, y6)
          6(a1, b1)(a2, b2)(a3, b3)(a4, b4)(a5, b5)(a6, b6)
          6(d1, e1)(d2, e2)(d3, e3)(d4, e4)(d5, e5)(d6, e6)

     '*** Define the pen colour of the hexagon outline ***
     pen hex_outline
     insert into hexagons (obj) values (three_hex)


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