Using MapBasic V3.
I'm trying to create a number of polyline objects and save them in a
table. I'm getting a compiler error relating (I think) to the insert
statement. I am trying to modify an mbx which I have used successfully
many times, which basically opens a workspace, gets user input, goes to
the desired map area, creates a polyline object which overlays the map
area, prints the map, then goes to the next selected area and repeats
the procedure, until done. I just overwrite the polyline object each
time as it's not necessary to save it in it's new location. Now I would
like to create a table of these polyline objects. Apparently instead of
the update command I have to use the insert command, and then commit the
table; but not having built anything with MapBasic except this mbx I
don't really understand what I'm doing wrong, nor do I have the time to
trial and error it. Here is the relevant code for building the polyline
object; can someone tell me how to make the insert statement compile?
Please ignore the references to printing. I just want to create a table
of these objects.

'***Main business program
'***Declare local variables

sub doit                
dim xcoord as float    
dim ycoord as float
dim win_id as integer
win_id = FrontWindow()
dim node1x as float
dim node1y as float
dim node2x as float
dim node2y as float
dim node3x as float
dim node3y as float
dim node4x as float
dim node4y as float
dim newsub as object

'*** copy all the records, from the first grid number
'*** entered by the user, to the last grid number
'*** entered, to a temporary file called selection

select * from sdgo_grid_zone6 where Name>=s_startgrid And
Name<=s_endgrid into Selection

'***Go to the first record in the selection table
'***Copy the centroid xy coordinates to variables
'***Center the map window on the new coordinates
'***Go to the next record in the file,
'***And repeat the process,
'***Until the grid number entered as
'***Ending grid is processed
fetch first from selection
Do while not EOT(selection) 
Set Map
CoordSys Earth Projection 1, 0
Set Map
Window win_id
Center (xcoord,ycoord)

'*** get the 4 corner nodes' xy values from the grid object
node1x=objectnodex(selection.obj, 1,1)
node1y=objectnodey(selection.obj, 1,1)
node2x=objectnodex(selection.obj, 1,2)
node2y=objectnodey(selection.obj, 1,2)
node3x=objectnodex(selection.obj, 1,3)
node3y=objectnodey(selection.obj, 1,3)
node4x=objectnodex(selection.obj, 1,4)
node4y=objectnodey(selection.obj, 1,4)

'*** create new polyline object for 20 subgrids, stored in a variable,
'*** node values taken from grid object (selection)
'*** inner node values are obtained by
'*** adding or subtracting from upper left
'*** node values on grid object
'*** the polyline object (subgrid divider)
'*** has 15 nodes, which are built in node number order

create pline into variable newsub
((node4x +.004334),node4y) 
((node4x +.004334),(node4y-.014516))
((node4x +.008694),(node4y-.014470))
((node4x +.008694),(node4y+.000045)) 
((node4x +.013054),(node4y+.000065))
((node4x +.013054),(node4y-.014410))
((node4x +.017393),(node4y-.014410))
((node4x +.017383),(node4y-.011570))
((node4x +.000035),(node4y-.011590))
((node4x +.000035),(node4y-.008740))
((node4x +.017370),(node4y-.008680))
((node4x +.017413),(node4y-.005800))
((node4x -.000013),(node4y-.005840))
((node4x +.000005),(node4y-.002914))
((node4x +.017413),(node4y-.002854))

'*** set the appearance of the polyline
Pen MakePen(2,2,black)

'*** replace the original subgrid object
'*** with the contents of the variable
'*** containing the newly built subgrid object

'update subgrid20               
'set obj=newsub
insert into subgrid20         ERROR LOG SAYS "FOUND [COMMIT] while
searching for [select] 
commit table subgrid20        I don't understand what it's trying to
tell me.

'*** print the map window, reset the value
'*** of iend, get the next grid record.
'*** when all requested maps are printed,
'*** bring up a dialog (dbox2) asking the user
'*** if he wants to print more maps or quit
Set Map
CoordSys Earth Projection 3, 33, "survey ft", -116.25, 32.1666666667,
32.7833333333, 33.8833333333, 6561666.6670000004, 1640416.6669999999
Fetch Next from selection
Call dbox2
end sub

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