
Thought to just comment on the "don't know how you'd join all three =
tables within a single SQL".

Joining 3 tables in a single SQL proves to be powerful, time saving and =
does not clutter your disk with unecessary temporary files. The way to =
do this requires a syntax rule which I will explain.=20

When joining TWO tables in a single SQL you define the realtionship =
between the two tables in the where clause box eg.=20
pointtable1.obj within regiontable.obj

When joining THREE tables in a single SQL you define the realtionship =
between the first two tables AND another relationship between the second =
and third tables eg. pointtable.obj within regiontable.obj and =
regiontable.obj contains pointtable2.obj.=20
It is good practice to add the tables in their correct relationship =


Laurence Seeff
Points Business Mapping Ltd.
22 Tuval St., Ramat Gan, 52522, Israel
Tel:  +972-3-6126216
Fax: +972-3-6126323
Web: www.points.co.il

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