Hi Alejandro,

Alas, integrated mapping won't work if you don't have MI Pro installed. And
MapX doesn't support Mif/Mid. You may build the layer from scratch in MapX,
as Deepak Kaul suggests, but it seems like a "long-cut" (if such an
expression exists :-)).

Instead you may be able to integrate the MITAB library. It's homepage is at
this address: http://pages.infinit.net/danmo/e00/index-mitab.html
It supports both read and write of the TAB format, but I'm not certain
whether it support the latest object types (in 6.5) or not.

Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
Lars Nielsen

Lars Nielsen                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sr. Developer, MapBasic & MapXtreme Specialist
Kampsax/MapInfo, Odense              http://www.mapinfo.dk
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----- Videresendt af Lars Nielsen/Kampsax - 18-01-02 09:29 -----
                    "Vakili, Arash"                                                    
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>              Til:    "'MAGS-Gerencia'" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, MapInfo-L               
                    Sendt af:                            
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                       
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        cc:                           
                    onsmag.com                           Vedr.:  RE: MI-L Creating a 
TAB from a Visual Basic Program               
                    17-01-02 22:16                                                     
                    Besvar venligst til "Vakili,                                       

.tab is basically a description of your data.  Basically create a .MID and
MIF(formats available in manual) and import in integrated mapping which
create your .tab file for you.


-----Original Message-----
From: MAGS-Gerencia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 3:40 PM
To: MapInfo-L
Subject: MI-L Creating a TAB from a Visual Basic Program

Hi all,
I have an application in Visual Basic in which I need to create a .TAB =
file (objects and attributes). Exists any "tab writer" tested ?
I will not have MapInfo installed.
If does not exist a solution may be is possible to use MapX.
Because I don't still know MapX, may anyone give me the to code to =
generate a .TAB using MapX ?


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