Hi MI-Listers,

I'm new to MapInfo and my problem is:

I have a municipality with 67000 people. I have the people
by street ( the entire street, not by blocks ).

I must place trash containers ( 134 )
Every container must supply 500 people ( not 498 or 502 )

I think I can divide the municipality in zones of 500 people and place
a trash container in the centroid of every zone, but how can I do this?

I'm drawing zones instinctively, then I make an Update Column of the
Population by intersecting the street zones and the zone i draw.
Then I adjust the zone and repeat!!!

I must cover all the municipality ( population ) with the zones.

I think I can cover all the municipality with a grid of little hexagons, get
the population for every hexagon, and construct the population zones
collecting little hexagons of low population to match 500 people.

But how can i make the hexagon's grid?

If I colour the little hexagons by population, I think i get the right place
for the trash containers ( the hexagons with more population ).

Thanks in advance
Domingo Cachuto
ICenter Torrent, S.L.

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