In comparing 2 regions, one must consider two kinds of data related to shape
and to position. Two regions may have identical shapes and not be
coincidental in space. The shape elements are many: number of parts, number
of nodes, area, perimeter. Positional elements are few in nature,
essentially x,y coordinates of corresponding nodes.

Notice I do not include the centroid because it is not a reliable element
having a unique "value"  for a region; it is not computed but assigned and
can be changed within limits. Even if one would "reset" all centroids before
hand (converttopline + converttoregion), there is no guarantee that the
assigned centroid would be different if there are some slight differences in
an outlying polygon (a polygon not containing the centroid), because it
could be constrained by the limits of the "central" polygon.

It would be much easier if there could be only one criterion that would do
the trick. When I explored that question two years ago, I tried to use a
simple all encompassing formula to compare two regions oa and ob and I found
that area(erase(oa,ob),"sq mi")=0 could be a good solution. However the
comparison to 0 was not efficient because the mathematics of the operator
had a tendency then to "leave some accidental crumbs". I am now thinking
that the solution could be area(erase(oa,ob),"sq mi") =
area(erase(ob,oa),"sq mi") but isn't that just hoping that the "crumbs" will
be different?

Jacques Paris
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Colin Henderson
Sent: March 12, 2002 06:19
To: Douglas Cubin
Subject: RE: MI-L Eliminating duplicate Polygons

Well, how about if you do a check on area, centroid, and number of nodes? If
a polygon is a duplicate then the area, centroid, and number of nodes would
be the same! In this case you could set up three variables and then look for
identical polygons, the attribute OBJ_INFO_NPNTS of the ObjectInfo()
function will give you the number of nodes.  Area() will give you the area,
and CentroidX(), CentroidY() or Centroid() functions will give you the
central co-ordinates.

NB: Another thing to find out is whether your polygons are single or

-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Cubin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 12 March 2002 11:08
To: Colin Henderson; 'paradigm'
Subject: RE: MI-L Eliminating duplicate Polygons

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Not sure about that!
If you know your data and know for a fact that you do not have overlapping
polygons then you would be ok - Colin's recommendation in that scenario
could then be sound.
However, with polygons all over the place you should check on Area aswell as
centroid to give improved reliability.  An SQL Group By clause with Area(),
Centroidx(obj) and Centroidy(obj) could do the trick.

Still doesnt completely sort it though.  At the end of the day a duplicate
polygon has the exact same nodes.
This means that all nodes in Polygon A have to be compared against all nodes
in Polygon B.
At least by finding the polygons with the same area and/or centroid you
could start there - greatly minimizing processing time.

Although node comparison isnt too difficult to do I would be interested to
hear if any has worked on real-geo-de-duping(!)  - perhaps there are other
ways that the more mathematically minded amongst us can divulge?!



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Colin
Sent: 12 March 2002 10:12
To: paradigm
Subject: RE: MI-L Eliminating duplicate Polygons

You could do a loop through the layer and get each object, query the object
to find out its centroid co-ordinates and then query to see if any others
have the same.  Then you can just delete the identical polygons.

The mapbasic user's guide or help files are as good a place as any to start
learning mapbasic.

Kind Regards,
Colin Henderson
GI Developer
Ordnance Survey
Tel: +44 (0)2380 79 2327

-----Original Message-----
From: paradigm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 11 March 2002 08:10
Subject: MI-L Eliminating duplicate Polygons


Iam new to mapbasic programming. I have hands-on experience
on visual basic and SQL. Can anyone suggest me books to start with.

First task given to me is to write a program to eliminate
duplicate polygons in the same layer.

I tried with correlated subquery in the mapbasic window.

Unfortunately  correlated subqueries are not supported by mapbasic.

Please let me know if anyone has source code or knows method to
eliminate duplicate polygons in the same layer.


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