Hi Ken,

I have also experienced this problem.  MapInfo has a limit of 13 tables open
with unsaved changes. This has something to do with a limit that they put on
the the number of open file handles.

If you commit some tables the problem will go away (until you reach the
limit again). Possibly commit after every 12 tables have been modified (just
to be safe).

Hope this helps.

- Sam

Samuel F. Huang
Software Developer (R&D)
Sterne Stackhouse Inc. (Calgary)
Main:  (403) 263-6325  Fax: (403) 264-0771
Web:   http://www.sternestackhouse.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Hickey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 1:43 PM
To: MapInfo-L
Subject: MI-L too many files open?


I have a workspace with 2 windows and 71 tables open. It has been working
fine, but now everytime I edit a table I get an error message telling me
that it can't open the map (the active window) as I have too many files
open. If I save the table after every edit the error message goes away, but
this is not an efficent fix. I didn't have this problem a few days ago with
the same number of tables open and I have closed and restarted MapInfo. Does
anyone know a fix for this, or will I have to close some of the tables (I
don't want to do this if I can help it). Is there a maximum limit to the
number of Tables MapInfo will work with? I am using MapInfo 6.5 on Win2000
with 1Gb of memory. Any help would be much appreciated

Ken Hickey

Kenneth Hickey
Mineral Deposit Research Unit (MDRU)
Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences
University of British Columbia
6339 Stores Rd, Vancouver, BC  V6T 1Z4, Canada
phone +1-604-822-3765; Fax +1-604-822-6088

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