Hi Tim,

You are right. There seems to be something rotten here. The Commit
statement doesn't disable the
fastedit mode. If you try editing the table again after saving it, the
edits are still made immediately.

I would consider as a bug, not a WAD, but of course I have before been
proven wrong in these things.
But anyway if this is a WAD the help file should be updated and state that
the only way to turn of the
fastedit mode is by using the Set Table ... FastEdit Off or closing the

"Caution: While a table is open in FastEdit mode, other network users
cannot open that table."

This statement here from the MapBasic help file isn't entirely true either.
It isn't until there has been
made some changes to the table, that the table cannot be accessed by other

Peter Horsbøll Møller, GIS Udviklingskonsulent / GIS-Developer
Kampsax A/S - GIS Software & Solutions
Rugaardsvej 55, 5000 Odense, DK
tel: +45 6313 5013,  dir:+45 6313 5008,  fax: +45 6313 5090
www.kampsax-gis.dk and www.kampsax.dk
Authorized MapInfo Partner & Distributor in Denmark and Norway.
Se mere om Dansk MapInfo Brugerkonference på 

Klik ind på http://www.kortal.dk og se det hele lidt fra oven!
Check http://www.kortal.dk and have a look at Denmark from above!
----- Videresendt af Peter Møller/Kampsax - 01-08-2002 08:46 -----
                    <Tim.Nuteson@t        Til:    
"'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'"                             
                    arget.com>            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          
                    31-07-2002            Vedr.:  RE: MI-L MB: Fastedit on?            

A quick test in the Mapbasic window using TableInfo(tab, 10), which reports
true/false, indicates that committing/saving a table has no effect on its
Fastedit status.  Here's a test:

1. open table mytable
2. MB Window:  note TableInfo(mytable, 10)  <-reports F
3. MB Window:  set table mytable fastedit on
4. MB Window:  note TableInfo(mytable, 10)  <-now reports T
5. do some edits, Save Table button becomes enabled
6. save the table
7. MB Window:  note TableInfo(mytable, 10)  <-still reports T

This isn't really a problem, but more of an annoyance that turned into a
curiosity.  I have an application that uses Fastedit, and my users want to
know why their Save Table button is lit if edits are supposedly being
immediately saved.  Maybe someone from MI can satisfy my curiosity and move
this back to annoyance status.

Tim Nuteson
Target Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott McVicar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 10:44 AM
Subject: RE: MI-L MB: Fastedit on?

"After you have completed all edits to be made in FastEdit
mode, issue a Commit statement or a Rollback statement. By issuing a Commit
or Rollback statement, you reset the file so that other network users can
access it."

Guess I should have read the MapInfo help a little more carefully...

-----Original Message-----
From: Stokes, Jonathan (J) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 11:08 AM
To: 'Evan MacDougall'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: MI-L MB: Fastedit on?

>From the entry on the "set table" statement in the mapbasic 6.5 manual



Setting FastEdit Mode

Ordinarily, whenever a table is edited (either by the user or by a MapBasic
application), MapInfo does not immediately write the edit to the affected
table. Instead, MapInfo stores information about the edit to a temporary
file known as a transaction file. By writing to a transaction file instead
of writing directly to a table, MapInfo gives the user the opportunity to
later discard the edits (e.g. by choosing File > Revert).
If you use the Set Table statement to set FastEdit mode to On, MapInfo
writes edit information directly to the table, instead of performing the
intermediate step of writing the edit information to a transaction file.
Turning on FastEdit mode can make subsequent editing operations
substantially faster.

While FastEdit mode is on, table edits take effect immediately, even if you
do not issue a Commit statement. Use FastEdit mode with caution; there is
opportunity to discard edits by choosing File > Close or File > Revert.
You can only turn FastEdit mode on for normal, base tables; you cannot turn
on FastEdit for a temporary, query table such as Query1. You cannot turn on
FastEdit mode for a table that already has unsaved changes. You cannot turn
on FastEdit mode for a linked table.

Caution: While a table is open in FastEdit mode, other network users cannot
open that table. After you have completed all edits to be made in FastEdit
mode, issue a Commit statement or a Rollback statement. By issuing a Commit
or Rollback statement, you reset the file so that other network users can
access it.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:         Evan MacDougall [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:         31 July 2002 16:00
> To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject:           RE: MI-L MB: Fastedit on?
> What is fastedit and what have i never heard of it before? (i'm using
> Mi-pro v6.5)  how do you enable fastedit?  i suddenly feel ignorant.  i
> hate when that happens....
> -Evan MacDougall ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> GIS Supervisor
> DPSI (formerly ACE USA Flood Services)
> (310)342-3600 / (800)736-3109 - ext. 3681
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott McVicar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 7:51 AM
> Subject: RE: MI-L MB: Fastedit on?
> Perhaps one of our friends on the list from MapInfo could fill us in?
> I have also wondered about this and would greatly appreciate some
> clarification.
> Thanks,
> Scott
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 10:00 AM
> Subject: RE: MI-L MB: Fastedit on?
> Hi Tim,
> When you set fastedit on, the only reason I can think of why MapInfo
> enables the Save Table button, is to disable
> the FastEdit again.
> When you save the table the FastEdit mode is turned off. Actually there
> is
> no edit to be saved because they have
> allready been saved to the table, this is what the FastEdit mode
> enables.
> So when you push the Save Table and "save" the table with the FastEdit
> mode
> turned on, the only thing that actually
> happens is that the FastEdit Mode is turned off for this table. Closing
> the
> table without "saving" it doesn't result in lost
> data, because the changes have allready be made in the table.
> I'm not quite sure whether this does explaine the behaviour fully, but
> it
> might give you a better understanding of the
> FastEdit mode.
> Peter
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> --------------------
> Peter Horsbøll Møller, GIS Udviklingskonsulent / GIS-Developer
> Kampsax A/S - GIS Software & Solutions
> Rugaardsvej 55, 5000 Odense, DK
> tel: +45 6313 5013,  dir:+45 6313 5008,  fax: +45 6313 5090
> www.kampsax-gis.dk and www.kampsax.dk
> Authorized MapInfo Partner & Distributor in Denmark and Norway.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> --------------------
> Se mere om Dansk MapInfo Brugerkonference på
> http://www.kampsax-gis.dk/Default.asp?ID=296
> Klik ind på http://www.kortal.dk og se det hele lidt fra oven!
> Check http://www.kortal.dk and have a look at Denmark from above!
> ----- Videresendt af Peter Møller/Kampsax - 31-07-2002 15:53 -----
>                     "Tim.Nuteson"
>                     <Tim.Nuteson@t        Til:
>                     arget.com>            cc:
>                                           Vedr.:  MI-L MB: Fastedit on?
>                     30-07-2002
>                     17:57
> I have "Fastedit On" set for a table, yet as soon as edits are made the
> Save
> button on the toolbar lights up.  When I click on the Save button, the
> FastEdited table is listed as one that needs saving.  If I instead just
> close the table WITHOUT saving it, I am not prompted to save it.
> 1.  If Fastedit is ON, why does MI Pro think the table has unsaved edits
> (i.e. the Save button lights)?
> 2.  If the Save button is lit, why am I allowed to close the table
> without
> being prompted to save it?
> Can anyone explain this?  Using MI Pro 6.5.
> Thanks
> Tim Nuteson
> Target Corporation
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