This select will fail because of the "group by TYPEofObject". As the
reference is not to a column name but to an alias, it should be placed
between ""

A more complete statement could look like

Select str$(obj) "TypeofObject", count(*) "Qty" from <table_name> group by
"TypeofObject" order by "Qty" desc into sele
Browse from sele

One can also get the contents of the first column, first record of Sele as
the answer to the original question : What is the dominant object type?

Jacques Paris
-----Original Message-----
From: Lawley, Russell S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: November 29, 2002 09:36
To: 'Lars V. Nielsen'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: MI-L Dominant feature type ?


I always use teh following sql

Select Count(*),str$(obj)"TYPEofOBJECT" from THE_TABLE group by TYPEofOBJECT
into Selection
Browse * From Selection


Russell Lawley

Brit. Geol. Surv.

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