No answers from the list on this one but I did get an answer from the
technical guys at MapWorld. At the moment there is no native Unicode support
so my Japanese data will have to work on Japanese versions of Pro at the
moment. This will all change this year with the .NET direction.

Warren Vick
Europa Technologies Ltd.

-----Original Message-----
From: Warren Vick, Europa Technologies Ltd.
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 1:19 PM
To: Mapinfo-L List
Subject: MI-L Unicode support in Pro / TAB files?

Hello all,

Thought I'd ask a question for a change!

Does anyone know if Pro (and TAB files generally) support double byte
(Unicode) characters? I know that this must be supported in the many
localised versions of Pro (especially non Latin-alphabet based languages). I
have Unicode fonts which support the character areas I need (Japanese to
start) and would like to get data into TAB files for use within Pro. Any
help/tips from international -L'ers would be appreciated.

Warren Vick
Europa Technologies Ltd.

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