Alex and list,

This might be an appropriate moment to let you all know that we have a
current survey taking place on our website .

At our last meeting we agreed with MapInfo UK to get views from users on
features they would like to see in MapInfo Professional. The User Group will
collate the responses and then feed them back into MapInfo and they have
said they will then take it up with the people in the USA.

Originally we thought if 100 organisations filled this survey in then it
would be quite powerful, However if 500 filled it in how could MI ignore it?
(I know, silly question really :-) )

So if any of you have 10 minutes to spare please visit our website at and then click on the Public Area and then Improvements

We will publish the results when we have a good number of responses.

If you have any further questions or queries then please do not hesitate to
contact me.


Martin Hodder
National Coordinator
MapInfo User Group UK and Ireland

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Eshed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo-L (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: MI-L Wish List

> Greetings List,
> Just out if curiosity I checked out the MapInfo Professional wish list on
> DirectionsMag:
> (I think it's run by a List subscriber - good show!)
> I was amazed there were no entries later than March 2002. Is it due to
> of awareness on the List's part? Or perhaps it's the "Aww, it won't help
> anyway" syndrome? Or maybe, MI Pro has got as good as it's ever going to
> get? Or is it just resting in peace in a cyber-grave?
> Being a culprit myself (my excuse is I was lazy) I'm trying to make amends
> by alerting the list to this wish list - and I hope it's still active (I
> failed to add a new entry - "Server Object Error"). I believe that MI
> does, occasionally, tune in to what users would like to have.
> At worst, no harm is done. At best, the wish list is a very powerful
> for MI Development to plan future releases according to our needs. And
> that what we all want?
> Best regards,
> Alex Eshed                   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> OPISOFT Ltd.               Tel: +972-3-6136050 ext. 213
> SHAP Building              Fax: +972-3-6139850
> 3 HaYetzira St.
> Ramat Gan 52521
> Israel
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