
Is the Oracle client installed on the other machines? The MI DLLs etc talk
to that, not the database, thats the way Oracle license the software I
believe. Have you put the right TNSNAMES on the other machines?

Paul Crisp

Innovation Place Delta Bank Road Newcastle NE11 9DJ
Tel 0191 461 4522 Fax 0191 460 1987

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Prescott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 29 May 2003 01:19
Subject: MI-L Distribution of MapX for Oracle Spatial support



I've developed a MapX 4.5 application and have generated an InstalledShield
setup.exe to install this application and MapX on to different computers.
The application is developed in MS Access 97 using MapX Version 4.51.106 and
accessing Oracle Spatial 8.1.7 data.  The application loads Oracle Spatial
tables using LayerInfo.


On the development computer, with Oracle Server installed, Oracle Spatial
tables are loaded and displayed correctly in both the application and the
GeosetManager.  However on our test computer (and others) where the
application and MapX has been installed from the setup.exe, and Oracle
Client is installed, the Oracle Spatial tables will not load.


The application works correctly on non-development computers, except when
trying to load the Oracle Spatial tables (it crashes). The Tab files that I
am selecting were created by MapInfo Pro, are cached and has had the
password added to them.  MapInfo Pro can open and display the Oracle tables
correctly, but the same tables opening in MapX fail.  There are no problems
when running with normal MapInfo tables.


In our installation for MapX we have included the mioci.dll, mirdb.dll,
mirdbspatialres.dll & odbc32.dll as is stated in the MapX manual. 


When we run the GeosetManager on the test machine and try to load an Oracle
Spatial table from the tab file, we get the following error:


'Database Drivers could not be loaded.'


MapInfo Pro will open the same Tab file correctly.


Are there any other files that are required for Oracle Spatial support when
distributing a MapX application?  If not any clues as to why we can't open
Oracle Spatial files on our non-development computers?






Christopher Prescott

Conquest Solutions Pty. Ltd.

GIS Specialist


Suite 3, Level 2

187 Rundle Street,


South Australia  5000


Phone   +61 8 8223 3377

Fax       +61 8 8223 3600




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