My reasoning:

MI Pro (ODBC) and SQL Plus (CLI) find and use drivers properly in all

MapX / GeoSetManager fail on deployment client only.

>From MapX application debug statement, failure occurs when you add
layer. No valuable error message is returned from MapX. To perform the
add layer it must open the connection first.

GeoSetManager, which will be doing the same thing - add layer, also
fails.  Presumably at the same operation, but returns the error message
'Database Drivers could not be loaded.'.

It is reading the geoset, attempting to open a connection, and submit
the query, but fails to open the connection.

There is no real reason the driver can't be "loaded" (misleading
statement).  MapX can't talk properly to the driver that is there.
Probably due to differences in the call or version checking that might
occur (the driver is returning a version number that is unacceptable to

Suspected Solution:
There is a mismatched driver on the client systems (there have been
driver version incompatibilities in the past (I don't remember all the
dirty details).  

Compare the drivers on the working systems with those on the target
systems.  I suspect you may find some version differences.  Check names,
version #,filenames, date, etc. - cross-check the manual or with MapInfo

An extra thought comes to mind...
>From past experience.  There have been problems with drivers in the past
where you simply can not "delete" the driver and re-install.  You must
remove driver files manually to properly install a new driver,
especially if you are "back reving" (but this should not be the case for
you, just thought I would mention it in case) 

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Prescott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 06:40 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L Distribution of MapX for Oracle Spatial support


On the users computer we have Oracle Client and my MapX application
installed.  When I try to open an Oracle Spatial table in my application
the application crashes when I try to add the LayerInfo object to the
map, ie at the following statement..

    Set mLyr = mMap.Layers.Add(LayerInfoObject)

I have put debug statements in and this is where it fails.  But it only
fails on the non development computers where the application has been
installed.  On computers where MapX has been installed from the CD the
application works perfectly.  This is not a code problem!

When I run the GeosetManager on the users computers this also fails to
load the Oracle Spatial table but it at leasts gives the following

        'Database Drivers could not be loaded.'

As for passwords, the password in the tab file is certainly correct.
The same table can be opened correctly on the users computers using
MapInfo Pro, but fails when using a MapX application.  There are no ODBC
drivers to check since MapInfo opens an Oracle Spatial table using
ORAINET not ODBC.  All Oracle connections on the users computers are
correct as any other application we have that access the Oracle database
works prerfectly.  My Mapx application accesses all of its textual data
from the same Oracle database. The only problem we have is it failing
when an attempt is made to add an Oracle Spatial table to the map.




-----Original Message-----
From: Guy Groves [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 30 May 2003 1:20 AM
To: 'Chris Prescott'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: MI-L Distribution of MapX for Oracle Spatial support

Some quick thoughts

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Prescott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 06:19 PM
Subject: MI-L Distribution of MapX for Oracle Spatial support



I've developed a MapX 4.5 application and have generated an
InstalledShield setup.exe to install this application and MapX on to
different computers. The application is developed in MS Access 97 using
MapX Version 4.51.106 and accessing Oracle Spatial 8.1.7 data.  The
application loads Oracle Spatial tables using LayerInfo.


On the development computer, with Oracle Server installed, Oracle
Spatial tables are loaded and displayed correctly in both the
application and the GeosetManager.  However on our test computer (and
others) where the application and MapX has been installed from the
setup.exe, and Oracle Client is installed, the Oracle Spatial tables
will not load.

Do you get an error, what is it?

The application works correctly on non-development computers, except
when trying to load the Oracle Spatial tables (it crashes). 

What crashes - The application or Oracle on the server?

If your application is crashing here I would:
Check the connection being used
Put some debug statements in to determine where in your code the crash
occurs and work from there.

The Tab files that I
am selecting were created by MapInfo Pro, are cached and has had the
password added to them.  MapInfo Pro can open and display the Oracle
tables correctly, but the same tables opening in MapX fail.  There are
no problems when running with normal MapInfo tables.

Are you sure you are using the correct password (long shot, but check)?
Sounds like there is some confusion as to what is being "opened", A TAB
file containing data or a TAB file that queries Oracle?

In our installation for MapX we have included the mioci.dll, mirdb.dll,
mirdbspatialres.dll & odbc32.dll as is stated in the MapX manual. 

When we run the GeosetManager on the test machine and try to load an
Oracle Spatial table from the tab file, we get the following error:


'Database Drivers could not be loaded.'

The connection is not defined, or could not be found.  Check the
connection name and parameters.

MapInfo Pro will open the same Tab file correctly.

Using the same ODBC connection?
If so this points back to something wrong in MapX configuration

Check logon and PERMISSIONS to Oracle? 

Are there any other files that are required for Oracle Spatial support
when distributing a MapX application?  If not any clues as to why we
can't open Oracle Spatial files on our non-development computers?






Christopher Prescott

Conquest Solutions Pty. Ltd.

GIS Specialist


Suite 3, Level 2

187 Rundle Street,


South Australia  5000


Phone   +61 8 8223 3377

Fax       +61 8 8223 3600



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