'morning all,

I'm searching for an easy way to use an array of data in MI.  Array is
arranged thus:

Columns are Longitudes, Rows are Latitudes, values at intersection of
rows/columns are data to be mapped.

     95W 94W 93W 92W ...
29N  30  30  29  28 ....
28N  31  30  29  28 ....
27N  29  28  29  30 .... 
..   ..  ..  ..  .. ....
19N  27  28  27  29 ....

(Actual array has several thousand entries.)

If nothing in MI then any hints to use spreadsheet functions, TCL
scripts, etc. will be gratefully accepted.

Best regards,

Stephen Baig
Dr. Stephen Baig
National Hurricane Center
Miami, FL  USA

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