
The official word is that MapInfo will have a MapBasic "Interpreter" of
sorts in MapInfo Pro v 8.0.  The reality of such a thing working flawlessly
remains to be seen - I have my doubts.  The MapBasic language will slowly
fade away but MapInfo has continued to state that existing MapBasic
applications compiled for prior versions of MapInfo will work in 8.0.  There
will be no such thing as a MapBasic compiler in the future, and as you've
already figured out, customization of MapInfo Pro will require knowledge of
some .NET language.  There are a number of them out there, but the choice
will be yours.

I anticipate there will be a significant demand for transitional support for
existing users who have legacy applications written in MapBasic once the
newest version of MapInfo Pro v 8.0 is released - September 2004?  We shall

- Ian Erickson

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Crossley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 3:35 PM
Subject: MI-L Mapbasic support in .NET - was MI-L %USERPROFILE%

> Could we get a confirmation on this?  When questioned by one of my clients
> about this, MapInfo Australia replied that the next couple of versions of
> MI would support MapBasic.  If it doesn't, there won't be any upgrades or
> maintenance coming from my clients for a few years until MI.NET is stable
> and I have converted their MapBasic apps over to it.
> r
> >
> > For those that might be considering (or are already) getting away from
> > MapBasic, since with the next release of MI Pro MapBasic won't be
> > supported
> > any longer.....  here's what I've done in .NET:
> --
> Robert Crossley
> Agtrix P/L
> 9 Short St
> PO Box 63
> New Brighton 2483
> Far Southern Queensland
> 153.549004 E 28.517344 S
> P: 02 6680 1309
> F: New Connection
> M: 0419 718 642
> W:
> W:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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