
I recently had access to a "tabbed" shape file with the components
listed below, which failed to open. A message of "Unknown error"
appeared and then a browser came up. I tracked this down to the fact
that the folder the table was in was readonly (it could have been on a
CD or URL). 

1.          Is there a setting in MI8 that allows MI to use the
designated temporary folder instead of trying (and failing) to create
the .map, .id and .dat components in the readonly file?
2.          Is there a line that can be added to the metadata to tell
MI to use the temporary folder?

The obvious current workaround is to copy all the components to a
folder where the readonly flag is not set.


File List:



!version 700
!charset WindowsLatin1

Definition Table
  Type SHAPEFILE Charset "WindowsLatin1"
  Fields 7
    Id_number Decimal (10, 0) ;
    Name Char (240) ;
    Registrati Date ;
    Current_ca Char (10) ;
    Easting Decimal (6, 0) ;
    Northing Decimal (6, 0) ;
    Area_ha Float ;
"\IsReadOnly" = "FALSE"
"\Shapefile" = ""
"\Shapefile\PersistentCache" = "FALSE"
"\Spatial Reference" = ""
"\Spatial Reference\Geographic" = ""
"\Spatial Reference\Geographic\Projection" = ""
"\Spatial Reference\Geographic\Projection\Clause" = "CoordSys Earth
Projection 8, 79, ""m"", -2, 49, 0.9996012717, 400000, -100000 Bounds
(-7845061.1011, -15524202.1641) (8645061.1011, 4470074.53373)"
"\DefaultStyles" = ""
"\DefaultStyles\Pen" = ""
"\DefaultStyles\Pen\LineWidth" = "1"
"\DefaultStyles\Pen\LineStyle" = "0"
"\DefaultStyles\Pen\Color" = "255"
"\DefaultStyles\Pen\Pattern" = "2"
"\DefaultStyles\Brush" = ""
"\DefaultStyles\Brush\Pattern" = "52"
"\DefaultStyles\Brush\Forecolor" = "65280"
"\DefaultStyles\Brush\Backcolor" = "16777215"

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