Sorry... Re the email below the error I receive reads

"Subquery returned more than one value"

Thanks again


-----Original Message-----
From: Carolyn Bergin 
Sent: Wednesday, 1 February 2006 12:26 PM
Subject: Select all objects within a buffer

Hi List

Im having trouble with my mapbasic code. This is the story

I have two tables one with points and one with buffers.  I need to find
all buffers that have more than one point in them so I can remove the
duplicated point.  So I have set up a loop that will select the first
record from the buffer and put it into a table called Selection1 and
from this selected record select all  objects from my points table
(TabSel) and put them into a table "Selection3" so I can check the
number of rows in this table and if more than 1 delete the unneeded
record.  The problem is that whenever the computer sucessfully selectes
more than one object from my points table it crashes saying that it has
selected more than one object.  This is the select Statement below:

Select * from Selection1 where Obj Contains (Select Obj from TabSel)
into Selection3

Can anyone sure its simple but I just cant get it to work for



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