Hi Nick,
No you didn't dream.. there is a little tool for that; it's called Arrows40. I enclose a mail from the archive indicating where you can download it.
Christiane R.

Nick wrote :

Hello listers!

Not sure if I dreamt this or not but I am looking for a tool which will draw
arrows from one point to another (common ID) and the thickness/colour of the
arrow is dependant upon another value in the browser.  I'm sure I have seen
something like this but a quick trawl through the archives has revealed

Any ideas anyone?




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Christiane Roh - Section Statistique Lausanne
Statistique Lausanne - SCRIS
Service cantonal de recherche et d'information statistiques
Rue de la Paix 6, CH-1014 Lausanne
tél.: +41(021) 316 29 51
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----- Réacheminé par Christiane Roh/SCRIS/admin-VD le 17.02.2006 08:55 -----

15.07.2005 10:38

        Pour :        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        cc :        mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
        Objet :        MI-L Réf. : MI-L Import of XLS file with "from & To" Coords


If you are into flow maps, there is a small mapbasic program called
Arrows40 which is very handy. You can map the origin to destination vector
based on the coordinates of the two points. You can even add other columns
indicating the volume of the flow. You can customize your arrows in many
different ways The program adds a layer to your map and you can even use
it in order to create a thematic layer. It allows bi-directional flows,
since you can offset the vector by tha amount of your choice. The only
draw back is that it doesn't create  automatic legends. If you want a
legend, you have to create the arrows of the legend as if they were
vectors of the map itself.

You can download this MBX program from there
The direct shortcut is :

I discovered this program through this list and used it for the creation
of our thematic atlas with great satisfaction. I'm happy to forward it to

Christiane Roh

Téléchargez gratuitement Lausanne déchiffrée, 4 pages d'actualité
Commandez Lausanne à la carte, le nouvel atlas thématique lausannois

Christiane Roh - Section Statistique Lausanne
Statistique Lausanne - SCRIS
Service cantonal de recherche et d'information statistiques
Rue de la Paix 6, CH-1014 Lausanne
tél.: +41(021) 316 29 51
fax : +41(021) 316 29 50

Autres sites à consulter :
Observatoire du logement

John Gosbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
15.07.2005 09:48

       Pour :  mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
       cc :
       Objet : MI-L Import of XLS file with "from & To" Coords

Howdy all,

I use the MapInfo "Create Points" function often when receiving GPS point
data, but have just received some linework data where the Excel data file
contains UTM co-ords with the "from" & "to" coords making up each line ie

Is there an automated process within MapInfo to achieve the import of line

data from XLS, CSV etc ??  otherwise all I can think of doing is importing

the (x1,x2) using create points and then the (x2,y2) and re living my
childhood by playing "join the dots"

Cheers with Beers

GIS Administrator
City of Burnside

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