Dear List:


I want to set up default values so that both the Universal Translator (UT) input file folder and the output file folder are a “My Documents” subfolder on a workstation. My network is set up so that all “My Documents” directories actually reside on a server instead of the workstations so they may be automatically backed up daily using a tape drive. I don’t think that this will be an issue as this setup is seamless and some workstation operators are not even aware of it.


We have a work process where frequent aerial pesticide spray applications are planned using MapInfo 7.0. The AgNav avionics units in our airplanes require an ESRI shape file (SHP polygon) input of a planned mission, and they provide a file “snail trail” (SHP polylines) of an airplane’s flight and spray activities.  When a mission is set up, the mission planning SHP file is provided to the pilot via a thumb drive and the subsequent mission record SHP file is returned via a thumb drive.


I have tried the MapInfo Options/Preferences settings, but I have not found a way for the UT to work in the “My Documents” folder by default. I someone could enlighten me, I would appreciate it.


Doug Wassmer

Pasco County Mosquito Control

Odessa, Florida


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