I asked for help on how to find the sizes of various parts of the MapInfo
window so that I could size a map window to exactly fill the client
rectangle of the MapInfo window without maximizing it. I wanted to do this
because I have to display more than one map window at the same time but use
the maximum available space for the base map without maximizing it.

As Eric Blasenheim pointed out to me, if I use MapInfo's MDI client
rectangle instead of the basic client rectangle I don't need to worry about
the sizes of the menu bar or toolbars to determine the available space. The
following MapBasic code does the trick and also provides an example showing
how to use some Windows API functions that may be useful for people who
want to determine the sizes of windows fetaures.

One note on this program. Even though it starts off by closing all tables
(and therefore all windows) if MapInfo's scroll bars were showing when you
run it, the MDI client rectangle will be reduced as if they were still on.
I don't know why this happens.  But if there are no scroll bars visible,
the window will fill the available space exactly no matter what size the
main MapInfo window is.

- Bill Thoen

' MI_ClientRect.mb
Include "MapBasic.def"

Define LOGPIXELSX 88        ' Logical pixels/inch in X
Define LOGPIXELSY 90        ' Logical pixels/inch in Y
Define SM_CXSIZEFRAME 32    ' Width of right and left sizable window
                            ' borders
Define SM_CYSIZEFRAME 33    ' Height of top and bottom sizable window
                            ' borders
Define SM_CYCAPTION 4       ' Height of caption (title bar) of sizable
                            ' window

Type RECT_t
  left As Integer
  top As Integer
  right As Integer
  bottom As Integer
End Type

' Windows API functions
Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "User32" Alias "GetSystemMetrics"
  (ByVal nIndex As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function GetClientRect Lib "user32" Alias "GetClientRect" (ByVal
  hwnd As Integer, lpRect As RECT_t) As Integer
Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetDeviceCaps" (ByVal hdc
  As Integer, ByVal nIndex As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" Alias "GetDC" (ByVal hwnd As Integer)
  As Integer
Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" Alias "ReleaseDC" (ByVal hwnd As
  Integer, ByVal hdc As Integer) As Integer

Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub GetMIClientRect (fWidth As Float, fHeight As Float)

Sub Main
Dim fWidth, fHeight As Float

  Close All Interactive

  ' Get the MapInfo MDI client rectangle size
  Call GetMIClientRect (fWidth, fHeight)

  ' Get a map window to resize to client rectangle
  Open Table 
    "C:\Program Files\MapInfo\Data\Map_Data\Namerca\USA\Usa_Maps\USA.TAB" 
  Map From USA

  ' Size the window to fit exactly in the avaliable client area.
  Set Window FrontWindow() Position (0,0) Width fWidth Height fHeight
End Sub

Sub GetMIClientRect (
  fWidth As Float,      ' Returned width of MDI client area in inches
  fHeight As Float)     ' Returned height of MDI client area in inches
' Returns the width and height (in inches) of the available space
' in the MapInfo client rectangle area
Dim hWnd As Integer
Dim hDC As Integer
Dim nStatus As Integer
Dim tRect As RECT_t
Dim nWidth, nHeight As Integer

  ' Get a handle to the MapInfo MDI client rectangle window
  ' Get the rectangle in pixels
  nStatus = GetClientRect (hWnd, tRect)
  ' Reduce the rectangle size by subtracting width of borders and caption
  nWidth = tRect.right - 2*GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXSIZEFRAME)
  nHeight = tRect.bottom - GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYCAPTION) 
    - 2*GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYSIZEFRAME)

  '--- Convert pixels to inches
  hDC = GetDC (hWnd)
  fWidth = nWidth / GetDeviceCaps (hDC, LOGPIXELSX)
  fHeight = nHeight / GetDeviceCaps (hDC, LOGPIXELSY)
  nStatus = ReleaseDC (hWnd, hDC)
End Sub

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