I finally figured out.  It is in the "Definitive Guide" (2nd edition) Ch. 
10 Administration/Monitoring/logging.  Every daemons use the same 
log4j.properties file in the default $HADOOP_HOME/conf directory. However, 
one can change the log level dynamically in the web interface.  In every 
daemon's web interface, (http://{taskTrackUrl}:50060, 
http://{dataNode}:50075, http://{jobTrackerUrl}:50030...) , put 
"/logLevel" in the path, e.g. http://{dataNode}:50075/logLevel,  you can 
see the logLevel of one class and change the loglevel of some classes. 
Very nice feature.  Too hard to find though. 

Zhu, Guojun
Modeling Sr Graduate
Financial Engineering
Freddie Mac

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