
We are testing hadoop.  We are using hadoop (0.20.2-cdh3u3).  I am using 
the cotomized conf directory with -"-config mypath".  I modified the 
log4j.properties file in this path, adding "
log4j.logger.com.mycompany=DEBUG".   It works fine with our 
pseudo-one-node-cluster setup (1.00).  But in the new cluster (with 32 
data nodes/name node/secondary namenode/jobtracker/backup jobtracker), I 
can only see the log from hadoop (in the web interface, when I navigate 
all the way into the task node log), but no logs from my mapper/reducer 
(com.mycompany.***) show up.  I can do System.out.println or 
System.err.println and see them in the same log file,  but no logs from 
log4j show up.  Is there any other configuration I missed?  Thanks. 

Zhu, Guojun
Modeling Sr Graduate
Financial Engineering
Freddie Mac

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