
We're experimenting with AGG, and have noticed a little problem ... not sure of 
the source, or whether we can address it through a mapfile though.

Note these 2 images:


One is GD/GIF, the other is AGG/PNG.  All other things are equal (MapServer 

Labels that are to the left of the point seem to be placed differently ... Look 
top-right ("Les Escoumins", "Saint Anne de Port Neuf", etc ...) for an example, 
though it happens all over the place I think.  Labels to the right of the point 
however seem ok.

Is this a bug? A design change?  Can anything be done from the mapfiel to 
mitigate this?

Oh and what's the recommended FreeType version these days? This MapServer is 
runnning against 2.1.10.

Thank you,

Jean-François Doyon
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