On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 13:58, Donald Kerr <donald.k...@dkerr.co.uk> wrote:
> Thomas,
> Thanks for your prompt reply.
>>> If I take just part of the above then it still doesn't work:
>>>        NAME 'boulderGeometry'
>>>        TYPE VECTOR
>>>        FILLED FALSE
>>>        POINTS
>>>                -0.154 0.236
>>>                -0.111 0.365
>>>                -0.116 0.501
>>>                -0.165 0.616
>>>                -0.170 0.627
>>>        END # POINTS
>> There's a limitation with the vector code that expects  all
>> values to be positive when computing the symbol size. I'm
>> hoping this will be fixed in 5.4 / 6.0
> Is that the reason why the above appears not to work i.e. the size issue? I
> will try changing everything to a positive number to see if that works.

> As a side issue, do the positive/negative numbers have a bearing on the
> anchor point of the symbol or is that always in the centre of the symbol?
as of now, the symbol is centered on the anchor point. I'd be in favor
of having a way to specify the anchor point, either by fixing it on
0,0 , or by specifying it alongside the symbol, eg ANCHORPOINT 0.3 2

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