Donald Kerr wrote:
In a previous thread that I started about positioning of LABELs, Thomas
Bonfort said, "I'd be in favor of having a way to specify the anchor point,
either by fixing it on
0,0 , or by specifying it alongside the symbol, eg ANCHORPOINT 0.3 2". I
agree that this would be good for symbols too but it may present a problem
with scaled symbols, especially TTF. If it's not a fixed size then how can
an anchor point be specified?

Regarding ANCHORPOINT (CENTER / ORIGIN) and scaled
For vector and ellipse symbols it should be specified
in the coordinate system that is used in the symbol
definition.  For pixmaps, one could use the pixel
coordinates of the original image (perhaps having
(0,0) at the centre of the image, and y increasing
upwards?).  For truetype symbols, one could perhaps
use a font coordinate system that is size-independent?

HÃ¥vard Tveite
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