On 06/05/2009, at 1:52 PM, David Nugent wrote:

Once I completed upgrading to mapserver 5.4, I decided I'd give the new AGG renderer a try.
However, as a by-product of changing renderer, the metatiles produced by mapserver differ slightly in colour. Some agree exactly to the RBG colours I am providing, others are rendered with slight variations, and when viewed on the web it becomes fairly obvious where the meta tile borders are.

This is to follow up on my own question to which I received no response either on the list or otherwise in case anyone else runs into the same or a similar problem.

I finally found the problem in that the php mapscript had a bug, and that "AGG_Q" (AGG with quantize enabled) was being selected regardless that I was trying to tell it to do it differently. Once I correctly set it to AGG without quantize, the colour variation between tiles disappeared and all is well.

One interesting aspect of this is that the average file size did not increase significantly when dropping quantize although in general the tiles rendered using AGG are around 40-50% larger than PNG8.

David Nugent (dav...@datalinktech.com.au)
Software Engineer
datalink technologies pty ltd
Mobile GPS/GPRS business process solutions

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