Sure. The basic use case is:

User navigates to a particular, known, lat/lon as starting point; this can be by entering the known lat/lon values, or by navigation around cities.

User then selects one or more links and can inspect attributes associated with those links - in particular, link_id and direction. Initial selection could be by sweeping out an area, but should also provide a way of adding/removing specific links from the selection (control-select).

Did that makes sense?


Steve Lime wrote:
You'd be surprised with what you can do with the CGI backend. It's certainly 
possible, with the right
web client (e.g. something like GeoMoose or OpenLayers) to craft queries 
against the CGI to select
one or many features from one or many layers using a point, box or arbitrary 
geometry. Perhaps if
you could sketch out a use case or two...


On 9/1/2009 at 12:49 PM, in message <>, Chris
Kantarjiev <> wrote:
I'm just starting to play with query mode and find it very useful. I have an interaction style in mind that would let me select and highlight several (possibly connected) links in a layer in a fairly interactive style (more like one would do with ArcGIS, I guess). I'm pretty sure that I won't be successful doing this with the basic CGI, and am overwhelmed by the number of Ajax layers that I might choose from.

Are there documents/pages out there that might give me some guidance about what's possible with the various packages?

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