Best regards,

On Mar 16, 2010, at 6:05 PM, Jan Hartmann wrote:

> On 2010-03-16 14:05, Daniel Morissette wrote:
>> Jan Hartmann wrote:
>>> This is probably something I should try to look up myself, but perhaps 
>>> someone on this list has a quick answer.
>>> I'm generating WMS output completely from  PHP MapScript (essentially to 
>>> make non-projected raster files available for WMS clients under a fake 
>>> projection number, to georeference raw coordinates). If something goes 
>>> wrong with the getCapabilities request, I would like to output a valid XML 
>>> error string that can be understood by regular WMS clients. Any pointers to 
>>> documentation on the required/optional XML formats?
>> I guess the best reference will be the WMS spec document itself, for the 
>> version of WMS that you are implementing. The spec docs are available at 
>> If you look at the WMS 1.1.1 doc from that list, section 6.7 discusses 
>> service exceptions and Annex A contains the XML exception DTD as well as an 
>> exception example.
>> Dnaiel
> The DTD in this document is validated  as 
> "";. This site has been 
> renamed ( six 
> years ago, but even that location doesn't exist anymore. Where do I find the 
> DTD?
> Jan
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