Christian Jauvin wrote:
Hi Daniel,

About the Python issue, if you can file a ticket with a small testcase to
reproduce (data + mapfile + exact steps to reproduce) then one of us could
try to have a look.

I just checked using the latest "python-mapscript 5.6.3-2~lucid1"
package from UbuntuGIS, and it has the same issue. So it's not just
MS4W beta 11.

However given that the problem occurs only while using a PostGIS
connection, how should I package my bug ticket?

Errr... sorry, all that time I thought you were using shapefiles.

If you're using postgis then the fact that getFeature() still works doesn't make sense (or shouldn't anyway).

Perhaps set DEBUG 5 in your mapfile and layer and look in the debug output at the query that is sent to PostGIS and that causes the app to hang.


Daniel Morissette
mapserver-users mailing list

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