> Errr... sorry, all that time I thought you were using shapefiles.

In fact I use both, but then it's only the PG connection type that is
causing the issue.

I did what you suggested, and added:

CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "<error file>"

to my mapfile, and performed my query again. It generated a very long
file (200K+ lines!) with only two types of line:

[Tue Jun  1 14:36:01 2010].765230 getSymbol(): Symbol definition
error. Parsing error near (null):(line 208)
[Tue Jun  1 14:36:01 2010].777963 msPostGISLayerResultsGetShape called
for record = 338

My mapfile doesn't even have 208 lines, and apart from the debug stuff
just added, it always worked fine. Any idea?
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