Hi There,

The first issue with the color/fill-color seems to be a defect.
This second issue with the Width parameter is due to the fact that the parameter is not supported in the PDF driver.

The intention is to depreciate the current PDF support and use the Cairo PDF driver for the 6.0 release [1]. At that point we should have support for things like width, color/fill-color, ... be consistent between all output drivers. You could maybe try using MapServer from svn and try the Cairo support and see if that solves your immediate needs.


[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/wiki/60ReleasePlan

Case 1: Unfilled polygon, PDF output: As written above, the PDF output is 
empty. This is the problem case.

Case 2: Filled polygon, PDF output: If the "#COLOR" line is uncommented, the 
green-filled polygon, complete with red outline, is drawn.

Case 3: Unfilled polygon, PNG output: If I switch to PNG output (by uncommenting the 
OUTPUTFORMAT for PNG and commenting-out the PDF one) and revert to "#COLOR" 
(thereby disabling polygon fill), the unfilled red outline is drawn in the PNG output.

Case 4: Filled polygon, PNG output: With PNG output and fill COLOR enabled, the 
filled green polygon with red outline is drawn to the PNG output.

Is this a defect? Could you suggest a work-around for unfilled polygon PDF 

This seems to be a defect
A secondary observation: Using a filled polygon for PDF, use of a "WIDTH" 
parameter appears to have no effect upon the width of the outline.

I'm using MapServer version 5.6.3 (MS4W distribution) under Windows XP Pro 2002 SP3. The 
problem was demonstrated with use of the "drawmap.exe" command-line utility.

Thanks in advance,

- Phil Anzel

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Assefa Yewondwossen
Software Analyst

Email: yass...@dmsolutions.ca

Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
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