I suggest that you carefully inspect your definitions in your mapfile,
as well as the data in the Postgis DB itself.
Turn debugging on, and inspect the log file closely.
Also, if you already haven't, enable PostgreSQL logging, inspect
incoming requests to your database as well.

For example, one inconsistency that is evident from your map file is
the date format--the "wms_timeextent" item for the "sat_w" layer
contains a date range, while your Postgis data also has a timestamp
data type with HH24:MI data. I would eliminate those inconsistensies

List each time step individually (comma separated) in your mapfile ,
since your number of records for the time being is small, rather than
specifying a date range.

Again, do not be shy about inspecting the log files. Randomly trying
"a lot of combinations", as well as different Mapserver versions
hoping that something will work will likely not help.


On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 6:20 AM, rai 8 <max1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Could you provide an example URL you are using to test out the WMS-T?  I
>> am using WMS-T on 5.6.3 without any known issues.  Please note that if your
>> time table gets very large, you may hit this quirk:
> I am using URL like:
> http://mapserver-tutorial/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/home/vbox/map_directory/tile_time_2.map&layer=radar&layer=time_idx_pg&mode=map&TIME=2004-01-01T10:10:00
> It shows an image but always the first ->
> /home/vbox/Downloads/animacio/sat1.tif , that have the timestamp: 2007-05-11
> 10:00Z
> My table its very little, I was wrong about the version, is the 5.4.2, i'll
> try to do the same with the 5.6 but it's very strange that any configuration
> that I tried doesn't work.
>> need to be in the METADATA section of the "sat_w" layer.
> I tried a lot of combinations, also with all the metadata in sat_w like
> "official" tutorial
> thanks a lot!
> 2010/7/1 Alexander Petkov <green...@gmail.com>
>> On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 6:27 AM, rai 8 <max1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > I've been working with mapserver to get a map with time support, time
>>  > parameter, I followed the tutorial in documetation
>> > http://mapserver.org/ogc/wms_time.html and this post
>> >
>> > http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/Accessing-images-using-time-dimension-td1991324.html#a1991324
>> > and I can't run the mapserver to change the image with a time parameter.
>> >
>> > I test several configurations but any works, the last is the same like
>> > the
>> > post in the maillist, this is what i've done:
>> >
>> > in a postgis database
>> >
>> > create table satellite (image_path text, image_time timestamp);
>> > select AddGeometryColumn('satellite', 'the_geom', 4326, 'POLYGON', 2);
>> >
>> > insert into satellite (image_path, image_time, the_geom)
>> > values ('/home/vbox/Downloads/animacio/sat1.tif', '2007-05-11 10:00Z',
>> > GeomFromText('POLYGON((-31.82 75.55, -31.82 26.5, 51.31 26.5,51.31
>> > 75.55,
>> > -31.82 75.55))', 4326));
>> >
>> > insert into satellite (image_path, image_time, the_geom)
>> > values ('/home/vbox/Downloads/animacio/sat2.tif', '2007-05-11 11:00Z',
>> > GeomFromText('POLYGON((-31.82 75.55, -31.82 26.5, 51.31 26.5,51.31
>> > 75.55,
>> > -31.82 75.55))', 4326));
>> >
>> >
>> > and the map file:
>> >
>> >  LAYER
>> >     NAME    "time_w"
>> >     TYPE    POLYGON
>> >     STATUS    ON
>> >     CONNECTION    "dbname=tile_index host= user=postgres
>> > password=xxxxxx"
>> >     DATA    "the_geom from satellite using unique oid using srid = 4326"
>> >     METADATA
>> >         "wms_title"    "time_index_w"
>> >         "wms_srs"    "EPSG:4326"
>> >         "wms_timeextent"    "2007-01-01/2007-12-31"
>> >         "wms_timedefault"   "2007-05-11T11:00:00Z"
>> >         "wms_timeitem"    "image_time" #a column in postgis table of
>> > type
>> >     END
>> >   END
>> >
>> >   LAYER
>> >     NAME    "sat_w"
>> >     STATUS  ON
>> >     TYPE    RASTER
>> >     METADATA
>> >         "wms_title"    "Satellite"
>> >         "wms_timeextent"    "2007-01-01/2007-12-31"
>> >     END
>> >       "init=epsg:4326"
>> >     END
>> >     TILEINDEX "time_w" # Layer name containing time index
>> >     TILEITEM  "image_path" # DB column containing path to image
>> >   END
>> >
>> >
>> > anyone finds some error?
>> >
>> >
>> > thanks
>> The time-related metadata items:
>> "wms_timeextent"    "2007-01-01/2007-12-31"
>>        "wms_timedefault"   "2007-05-11T11:00:00Z"
>>        "wms_timeitem"    "image_time" #a column in postgis table of type
>> need to be in the METADATA section of the "sat_w" layer.
>> Alex
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