I have several WMS layers.  One is a polygon layer and the other two are
line and point layer.  I have HTML templates for each layer which are
very similar.  All the layers are being drawn but when I run a
REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo on a location which has features from all three
layers I only get a return from the polygon layer.  I have the following
debug statements in my mapfile.








I get the following output after the polygon information output.


[Thu Dec 16 13:34:17 2010].658000 mapserv request processing time
(msLoadMap not incl.): 3.766s [Thu Dec 16 13:34:17 2010].658000
msFreeMap(): freeing map at 015266A8.


There are no errors showing up in the apache logs.  Is it possible that
the GetFeatureInfo request in MapServer is only supported for polygon




David V. Hildebrand

Agriculture Financial Services Corporation

(403) 782-8239   


www.afsc.ca <http://www.afsc.ca>

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